What Is Involved In Child Support Determination?
Child support and spousal support can both be contentious issues. When support obligations are set too high, the paying party may suffer financial duress. When support levels are set too low, a child or ex-spouse may be in need, or the parent with primary custody will be forced to bear an unfair portion of the costs of raising the child. Whether it is a review of an existing order of support or you’d like to know what kind of support you can expect to pay or receive, our experienced family law attorneys can review your financial situation and explain the Virginia support laws and factors.
Call Bowen Ten Long & Bal, PC for an initial consultation at 804-767-6850.
Valuable Legal Solutions Come From Experience
At Bowen Ten Long & Bal, PC, our child support lawyers bring together over 125 years’ combined experience. We understand how important proper determinations of child support and spousal support can be for all involved parties. We are here to serve as your allies while you are dealing with support issues, including the enforcement of orders. We will take all critical circumstances of your situation into account as we effectively pursue a child support or spousal support determination that works for you.
How Is Child Support Determined?
In Virginia, state guidelines control the determination of child support obligations. The formula contained in the guidelines looks at a number of variables to arrive at a correct child support level, including income. If, however, any income is derived from less easily quantifiable sources, such as self-employment, investments or retirement accounts, the formula may be less than able to accurately assess a proper child support obligation.
Levels Of Spousal Support Vary
Spousal support is also known as alimony. Securing skilled representation can help you secure the spousal support determination you need. Setting appropriate spousal support levels can be very important to the financial stability of both new households. Issues, such as substantial assets or property, or income from sources, such as self-employment, can create difficulties in arriving at an appropriate determination of spousal support.
Schedule An Initial Consultation
When you are facing questions of child support or enforcement of child support, it is important that you have representation you can trust. At our offices in Richmond, we are prepared to advise you on these important family law issues. Call 804-767-6850 or contact us online to schedule a meeting with one of our attorneys.