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Can I get clinical depression from a traumatic brain injury?

On Behalf of | Sep 19, 2023 | Personal Injury

Every year, over 2 million car crashes occur in the U.S., with many of them resulting in severe injuries. Perhaps the most serious injury a person can suffer is a traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Depending on the nature and site of the injury, the symptoms can differ. For some people, they lose motor function and the ability to communicate. Others lose their sight and ability to experience with their senses.

As well as the physical impacts, there are also emotional effects of TBIs. Research suggests that people with a TBI are nearly eight times more likely to suffer from depression.

The causes of depression after a TBI

The causes of depression are often multifaceted. If brain trauma has occurred in the area of the brain that controls emotions, then this can result in depression. Head trauma can also affect the chemical balance of the brain as well as neurotransmitters.

Sometimes, the area of injury will not directly cause depression. However, dealing with a TBI in itself can be emotionally draining. A person may have to completely adapt their way of life. People living with long-term disability are five times more likely to develop chronic mental health issues such as depression.

Recognizing the signs

If you or a family member are feeling down, lonely and isolated after suffering a TBI, it could be a sign of depression. Thankfully, there are several treatments that can help alleviate symptoms.

The long-term effects of a road traffic collision can be devastating. Compensation can’t undo the accident, but it can help you financially. Seek legal guidance to find out more about your options.
