It can take time to pluck up the courage to tell your spouse you want a divorce, but it’s a conversation you will need to have if you are set on this. While you shouldn’t expect the conversation to be easy, you want to avoid making it any more difficult than...
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Family Law
How can adult guardianship protect adult children?
In Virginia, reaching 18 marks the legal transition from minor to adult, which gives young individuals complete control over personal, financial and medical decisions. For parents of children who have special needs, this milestone can present significant challenges....
Do I have the right to visitation with my grandchild in Virginia?
As a proud and loving parent, the most important thing to you is your child’s welfare. Unfortunately, their life has been cut short. However, they had their own children and you are extremely close to them. The problem is that you don’t always see eye to eye with...
How much will I pay for child support in Virginia?
Generally, when the relationship is over, most parents will agree on child support terms without involving the court. However, if the couple cannot make a decision on the child support amount, either party can seek the court’s involvement. In Virginia, both parents...
What happens if you fall behind in your Virginia child support?
When parents who share a child separate or divorce, one of the issues they will need to deal with is child custody and support. Fortunately, Virginia courts take into account a number of factors when setting the child support amount. And once an amount is set, it is...
Potential reasons a prenup may not stand
If you're getting divorced and you have a prenuptial agreement in place already, or if you're considering creating a postnuptial agreement prior to a divorce, it's important to ensure that the agreement is actually going to stand in court. People often assume that it...
Can you get custody if you have a disability?
Living with a disability is not something that ever slowed you down when parenting your children in the past, but as soon as custody issues came up during your divorce, your spouse said that they wanted full custody. When you pressed them on why they wanted that, they...
Yes, you can get through the holidays civilly with your co-parent
For many families divided by divorce, the winter holidays are not a time for comfort and joy. The atmosphere can more resemble something to be endured with gritted teeth and mumbled curses. But all that does is assure that your kids’ holiday memories will be marred by...
Kelly Clarkson’s ex-spouse loses his bid to overturn prenup
Prenuptial agreements have been growing in popularity among ordinary people who just want to protect their interests if their marriages sour. However, they’ve long been a “must-have” for the rich and famous. No doubt, that’s what singer Kelly Clarkson was thinking...
You just found your original marriage license in an old file. The bottom part of the form certifying that your marriage took place is not signed by the person who performed the wedding ceremony. You checked and the state has no record of your marriage. There is no...