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Did you suffer a brain injury in a car accident?

On Behalf of | Oct 13, 2023 | Personal Injury

A hard blow to the head during a car accident is a leading cause of severe brain injuries — often impacting victims for years or their entire lives. Most patients require long-term treatments and therapies to encourage recovery and prevent complications.

You know you can seek compensation when another’s negligence leaves you seriously injured. But how can you be sure your brain damage is severe? Learning more about traumatic brain injury (TBI) and its symptoms may help clarify your medical situation.

Mild TBIs

Most believe the damage must be severe to threaten your health, but even a mild brain injury can disrupt your life and cause medical concerns. Here are some indicators of a mild or minor injury.

  • Physical symptoms like headache, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and problems with speech
  • Sense-related symptoms such as ear ringing, blurred vision and changes in tastes and smells
  • Psychological symptoms like mood swings, depression, anxiety, sleep problems and confusion

Sometimes, signs of a brain injury can take days or weeks to manifest, so always get a medical assessment after a vehicle crash.

Moderate and severe TBIs

Of course, more extensive brain damage usually means more severe symptoms and the possibility of dealing with long-term complications. With severe and moderate brain trauma, you can expect the same symptoms that come with mild injuries, plus those discussed below.

  • Coma or loss of consciousness
  • Seizures or convulsions
  • Dilated pupils (one or both)
  • Profound confusion
  • Slurred speech
  • Clear fluids coming from the ears or nose

These symptoms can be immediate or delayed, but they may mean you are experiencing a medical emergency and need immediate treatment.

Under Virginia law, severe brain injuries may qualify for a pain and suffering award on top of economic damages (medical expenses, property damage, etc.). These additional financial resources can help you pay for treatment and therapy that might improve your condition.
