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Tips for planning vacations when you are divorced

On Behalf of | Jul 18, 2019 | Divorce

For many people, summertime means vacation and relaxation. Planning a trip to the beach or a road trip across the country could seem like just what the family needs. However, taking a vacation can be more stressful for families after a divorce. It often requires careful planning.

Here are some tips to help divorced parents—and their kids—get vacation-ready this summer:

1. Plan ahead of time

Navigating child custody arrangements and visitation can be a challenge at first, but soon it becomes routine. Interrupting custody and visitation routines without warning could have significant consequences.

Planning a vacation ahead of time not only helps parents avoid last-minute legal challenges or disputes with their ex-spouse, but it also helps them reduce their own stress. It allows divorced parents to:

  • Schedule the vacation at a time that works for both parents and the children
  • Temporarily renegotiate the custody arrangement to extend parenting time, if necessary
  • Obtain the proper documents and permissions to take the children out of Virginia for vacation

2. Inform the other parent of the plan in advance

Even though a couple ends their relationship, they are both still the parents of their children. That means that the other parent still has a right to know where their kids will be going on vacation with appropriate contact information for the destination.

They also still might have a say in the vacation plans, even if they are not going. For example, the other parent often has to provide written consent if one parent takes their children on vacation out of the country.

3. Vacations require financial planning Informing the other parent about your vacation plans will help avoid costly changes or cancellations to vacation plans.

Planning ahead can help parents prepare for the expense of vacations as well as time off of work. Communicating vacation plans and making early arrangements with the other parent can often avoid costly roadblocks closer to the planned vacation. 4. Have fun

Divorce is stressful, but vacation planning after divorce doesn’t have to be. Taking the extra steps in preparation for an exciting vacation with your children will pay off while you are on vacation. Many sources claim that vacationing after divorce can help improve an individual’s health. The stress of divorce should not stop families from taking the time they need to relax, have fun and make the most of quality time with their children. 

If you have any questions about moving forward with summer plans after divorce—or any questions about travel plans during or after the divorce process—the experienced attorneys at Bowen Ten Long & Bal, PC, are here to help.
