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Thinking about the details of a divorce

On Behalf of | Aug 3, 2015 | Divorce

Many Virginia couples whose marriages are coming to an end want to get the process over with as quickly as possible, while others let their emotions take over. Each of those approaches can result in one or more mistakes being made that can come to haunt one or both of the parties later.

One spouse may want the other to answer for any hurt feelings at the end of their marriage, but starting off divorce proceedings by attacking the other party usually leads to a long, costly battle that might create more problems than it solves. If there are emotions or issues one or both parties need to work through, mediation or collaborative divorce might be better settings for resolving disputes, and each method can be less time-consuming than litigation.

Regardless of the net worth of the couple, property division can often be one of the areas where critical mistakes are made. A person who wants to get the divorce over with sooner rather than later might be pressured into signing a property settlement agreement that does not accurately reflect the true condition and amount of the marital assets that are being divided. Taking the time to make a complete investigation and inventory of all property, including retirement and other financial accounts, can be advisable.

Selecting the proper attorney matters, as there could be a variety of divorce legal issues that could arise, such as spousal support and, if the couple has young children, custody and visitation. Each spouse should have separate legal representation from attorneys who have family law experience and who can thus provide knowledgeable advice and counsel.
